This driving school has Excellent customer service from the first phone call, till my test date. I one hundred percent recommend to all my friends and family in the future. Thank you for all your help. Passed 1st time in an automatic car.

— Diana Lorenzo

Best driving school in London and great driving instructor. Had international driving experience and with a short intensive course, I passed my test. Driving test car hire have been very professional in helping me get a UK licence. Thanks

— Ismail Ali-Hussein

I needed a UK driving license quickly. My instructor was very accommodating to my work schedules and objectives. I had a shirt intensive course of learning with my instructor who gave me clear and essential guidance to pass the driving test. He also took me to practice on the roads in the area. Thank you for a job well done!

— Pramod Sooksom

A Driving Test has Excellent customer service from the very first call, through till my test date. I 101% recommend to all my friends and family to them in the future. Thank you for all your help. Passed 1st time in an automatic car test.

— Diana Lorenzo

Best driving school in London and brilliant driving instructors. Having international driving experience with a short intensive course, I passed my test with a week. A Driving test car hire have been very professional. My friend has booked their driving test with them too. Thanks

— Ismail Ali-Hussein

As an experienced driver abroad, I needed a UK driving license within a week. My instructor was very responsive and accommodating to my schedule and objectives. He also took me to practice on the roads in the vicinity of the driving test centre. Thank you for a job well done!

— Pramod Sooksom

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